Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Saw this today...

"When butterflies are in love... do they feel humans in there stomach? "

 i loved it. a whole lot.
(thanks Breea)

So I am trying uber hard to be optimistic. So right now I am going to list 5 things that drive me nuts. Get them out of my system. After that... to compensate for my negativity I will list 10 things I love. Hopefully this works out. Here we go.

1. Tummy aches that feel like knives
2. My raspy voice 
3. Living so far from my fam bam
4. flakey people
5. being tickled

1. meeting super rad new people
2. celebrating birthdays
3. dancing like a crazy person. cause i might be a little crazy
4. cars that you don't have to be twenty-one to drive.
5. my roomate. she kinda rocks a lot. 
6. hugging my mommy & my daddy
7. i love love love when i can't stop smiling. its the best feeling in the world.
8. being tan. except i'm not really that tan anymore. 
9. cold rooms where you need lots of blankets to snuggle up in.
10.  blogging. honestly I have no clue why. who knows if anyone even reads it!? it just makes me happy. it's kinda ridiculous.

im going to have a good day tomorrow. watch out everyone. im on fiahhhhh!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Mr. Brodale

 how annoying are side ways pictures? Super annoying, i know. but...it wont let me rotate it.

Sometimes you just need a best friend, ya know? I don't really have a specific reason... but right now I could use a best friend. I wish Parker was here. Cause let me tell you, Parker... He is the greatest friend anyone could ask for. I miss his hugs. I miss his little pep talks. And I really miss how he would stay up with my till four in the morning making muffins. Or go coupon shopping with me and my momma. Who wants to know a few great things about parker? Alright. Awesome. Here goes nothin.
he tries to help someone every single day
he is the most selfless person I know
he is handsome
he is going to be the best missionary
he is the grandest friend 
he loves chocolate muffins
he is honest
he lives with my family... and I'm jealous
he has the most incredible testimony of the gospel
he gives super bomb digity hugs
i miss him
he would probably deny every nice thing I just said about him
he smiles all the time
he is mexican tan
he is so much fun
he makes me smile all the time
Parker Brodale this post is dedicated to you. Miss you, Love you.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Can you say jet lag...?

Holy cow. Who knew that a one and a half hour plane ride could throw off your entire groove. I woke up this morning all fired up for the day, and now... I want to crawl under the covers and never come out. Unfortunately laundry needs to get done, unpacking is awaiting, and i get to close tonight. awesome. But, you know what? That is alright. Why you ask? Because I just had the most incredible week. Therefore I will stop complaining and get to explaining.

First off.
I was blessed with the most hilarious family.

My life is a party.

& Three.
I am obsessed with my camera

So! Here goes nothin. I went to Colorado. Colorado Springs to be exact. We stayed in some cute little cabins and had homemade breakfast every morning. (i gained like 10 pounds.)We went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. I was so excited for this. Perfect time to whip out the camera right? Yea well... thanks to my silly family they got a little camera happy and blasted my battery the night before and failed to mention it. So there I am. With my big ol' fancy pants camera in the middle of the zoo and completely unable to snap even one picture. But don't you worry. The kind little wagon renter lady let me borrow her outlet. And there we are. Problem solved. Hundreds of pictured were taken. You will see. You know, I love the zoo. I really do. But at the same time I hate it. mostly because it hurts my heart to see all of those animals trapped in those glass rooms with fake habitat, hen they should be out in the wild...running free. Doing what animals were created to do. Oh well. Not much I can do about that I suppose.

Moving on.

I went to a castle. And I had a tea party. With my mom, dad, and sister. Daddy decided to join us on ladies day. And let me tell you... he was the best sport. He is more than welcome to come on all our lady trips. Not sure if he will want to... be he has my permission.

Lots of family pictures were taken. Hours were spent around the table playing intense games of poker. And way too much food was consumed. Needless to say... It was an incredible trip. One I will never forget. We were all together. And it felt good. Unfortunately we all had to hop on separate planes and return to reality. And thats leads me to where I am now. Sitting on the couch in this little apartment dreading the time where I have to leave and go to work... but its time. So here I go.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

im the luckiest girl in the world.

I am pretty sure it would only be appropriate if today I dedicated this post to the two most important men in my life. One, being my daddy. My hero. I wish there were words to describe how much I love him. My mom has always told me that my dad as the one who raised me. Right after my mom gave birth to me she found out she was pregnant with my younger brother. So... my dad got stuck with me. I was his little princess and there was nothing he could do about it. My dad is one of those guys who does endless service and never expects any kind of acknowledgement whatsoever. To me, that is so incredibly admirable. He is such an example to me, of so many different things. Love, care, charity, faith, hope, integrity... the list goes on. But overall I want my dad to know how much I love him. I would do absolutely anything for him and I know he would do the same for me. Thank you Daddy, for being you. You truly amaze me. I love you.

I want to say how grateful I am for my Father in heaven. I am so blessed to have such beautiful knowledge of him and his plan for me. I am incredibly fortunate. He has blessed with the most incredible family, and friends who I love so much. Being in Texas, away from everything I know, I have realized how hard life can be. Sometimes I feel sad, and alone... like I am the only person in this world. But in one quick thought, and one prayer, I know he is there. He is never going to leave. No matter how hard times get and how difficult they may seem he is there for me. And for that I am eternally grateful. He has blessed me with a Savior, Jesus Christ who died for this world on a cross. And with that he has blessed me with the atonement so I can one day return to him again. And until then I stand as a witness of him, and his son.

fourth times a charm...

Guess what I got to do today? Move. And for the fourth time since I have started this extraordinary adventure in Texas. I started out in a La Quinta Hotel. Nothing too shabby but not really anything I was going gaga for. A week after being there I moved to the Hampton Inn & Suites. Fancy right? Well, not exactly fancy but those beds were to die for which made the mini fridge seem half as bad. Soon after that I was shipped off to the Legacy Apartments. Boy, was I spoiled. Big screens, hammocks, cabanas, full kitchens, multiple fitness centers, and well... the list goes on. So here it comes. The last move thus far. Off I went to The Lakes at The Village in Dallas....

So we pull up. I'm thinking to myself no way is this it. it's old. it's not cute. noooooo. Little did I know that was my new home. And let me tell you I had the worst first judgement because this place is the most charming place I could ever imagine. I couldn't be more pleased. Don't fret. I'll put some pretty little pictures up in the A.M.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Embarrassed....? No. Okay yea, totally embarrassing.

So you know how when you get all grown up and people want you to be mature and professional? I am pretty sure I am supposed be that right about now. Unfortunately... I'm still trying to figure that whole thing out. I thought I had gotten off to a pretty good start once I got to Texas. I decided it was time to put some of my silly and stick it in a little box and hide it while i'm at work. Yea well today some of the silly slipped out of the box and followed me to work. Sneaky little thing. So, are you ready? For the big bang. The "what stupid thing did she do now thing"? Here is goes.

--I was assisting my store manager at interviews today. I was the girl who stood outside the interview room and had the applicants take a seat, and when Nick was ready I would let him know who was ready to go. Simple right? Yup. Super simple. A little too simple. The kinda simple where is gets extremely boring, very quickly. About 5 hours in, my phone already dead, and I sat there in this super cozy chair. I soon realized that if I kept sitting there I would fall asleep so I got up. And I made sure I didn't sit back down. Until the last applicant entered the interview room. I couldn't hold back. The next thing I knew Store Manager and Assistant Manager were calling my name. Waking me up from the deep sleep I had fallen into. Embarrassing...? No. Okay yea, totally embarrassing.--

Monday, June 13, 2011

You know how some things just make you happy? No matter what you're feeling. No matter how stresses you may be or how hectic life may seem, there is always that one thing that makes you so happy. I'm lucky to have a few. Kinda like a little "these make me happy list". Dance is one of those anti-drug, go-happy kinda things. When I start to dance life slips away and the only thing there is my emotions. Whatever emotions they may be. So today I danced. Turn up that music and let loose. Who freaking cares! Not me I tell ya. Not me. And it felt so good. An -i just won a million dollars kinda good-

"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.

~Margaret Young

I think I have found a new talent. Creating, designing, dreaming. Can dreaming be a talent? I say yes. My mind is so unique. Somehow lately... considering the ridiculous hours I have been working this brain is always ticking. Possibly awaiting the day when I can relax a little and take all these ideas and create them, bring them to life.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Smile, all the days

It's just one of those days. A smile all the time because life freaking rocks kinda days. here is goes. Ten reasons why this grin has been plastered to my face since I woke up.

1. My hair was still perfectly strait when I woke up. Which means getting ready took a total of about 5 minutes. Sounds ridiculous but that was the perfect start to my day. I did not wash my hair. Don't judge me.

2. 7-11 Cherry Slurpee and donating a whole dollar to a cause that will probably never receive that dollar.

3. I had Thai food for lunch. Ever had Thai food? It rocks. I highly recommend it.

4. The Galleria Mall is fascinating & huge & super rad & I'm obsessed

5. Ice skate rinks exist in the middle of every Dallas mall. I feel like I am in a movie.
Somebody pinch me.

6. My fancy pants iphone is crack free and it feels ohhh sooo good.

7. Running through the sprinklers... and remembering when Daddy would turn the sprinklers on for us kids every Saturday so we could play, and sometimes he would even join.

8. Walking around the most beautiful neighborhood full of waterfalls and parks, trees, and lakes. Talking endlessly about thoughts and absolutely nothing with a great friend.

9. Getting lost like five too many times and having nothing to do about it but laugh and smile and secretly thinking you're glad, because now you get to spend another extra five minutes with this person.

10. "She is Love" acoustic version by Parachute on repeat for hours... well, more like days.

Pictures & Fortunes... could possibly make the world go round.

So here's the deal. I love pictures. I love taking pictures, I love being in pictures, I love looking at pictures, I love editing pictures... I just downright love everything there is about pictures. They are incredible. You can capture so much emotion with just the click of a finger. But honestly, the phrase "with a click of a finger", is entirely misleading. I came to the realization today. When I opened the box to my brand spankin new Nikon D3100 that I have absolutely no idea how to even turn on. Just kidding. I can do that, but it really is completely overwhelming and complex. Who knew there was so much to taking pictures. I have so much to learn. Which I am so stoked about. It came with this super rad DVD and you better believe I am about to go make some popcorn and pop that sucker in and learn as much as this little brain can handle.

& just a little side note, I bought an iphone 4 on Valentines Day of this year. I dropped that pretty little thing a few days after and caused some of the most horrific cracking damage possible. Needless to day, that crack drove me insane and I decided to buckle down and pay the ridiculous two hundred stupid dollars to have that puppy fixed. So I go to the apple store. Dragging my feet in there knowing the chunk of money that is about to effortlessly exit my bank account. (sickening) So I explain my situation. Slightly embarrassed, I show him the phone. And you know what this Apple Store guy has to say about it?

him: Wow its pretty bad. You know this costs around 200...right?
me: yes, I am aware. (thanks for rubbing it in)
him: Well, little lady I am going to hook you up today.
me: ah! really? how much will it be..?
him: uh... free. No charge. Just don't do it again okay?

Mr. Apple Store man made my day. Wait for it. Here is the good part. As I was taking my case off my phone a little piece if paper fell out. My fortune. I had stuck it there the night before. Simply because it read.... "You will be showered with good luck tomorrow!" Mhmm. Thank you, thank you, thank you, dear fortune.

Friday, June 10, 2011

All things are bigger in Texas.

You know that time when you realize you have to do big things...go big places...make big decisions...become a big girl? Well, it's here. And I am doing it in Texas. I have waited months and months to get here and finally my dreams are coming true.

I am Whitney Lane Alger. I am nineteen years old. I am an Allstar (trainer) for IN-N-OUT Burger. & I live in Texas. Today has been one of those days where I found myself in deep thoughts almost too many times. One of the many deep thoughts happen to have been about blogging. I have attempted this half a millions times and look at me now! Making yet another determined attempt to successfully share my life with everyone who probably does not care throughout the web. And if not for random people out there... then for me. I am here, in a new state, with new people, and a completely new life. Terrified yet thrilled to embark on this new adventure. I guess I hope that throughout the next few months I take my time to determine who I am and who I want to become, and where I want all these new twists and turns to take me.

I am an extremely fortunate girl. To be so blessed with a family and friends who I love and who love me right back. I am hundreds of miles away, but for some reason that doesn't stop them from being so completely supportive. And for that, I am grateful.