Friday, August 31, 2012

dang good.

My life is so good. So dang good.

Today I got a FREE scalp treatment. Also known as: "a little bit of heaven". They clean your whole scalp and then massage your head for T.E.N. minutes. Yes, I know... heaven. Did I mention it was free? Shwing! And, since I was feeling so good afterwards,  I completely forgot that I was even upset at the Paul Mitchell lady for not sending in my papers. And now im super over it cause it was hours ago. I highly recommend everyone trying this scalp treatment thing. You really can't go wrong. 

So at this point, my day has been pretty fantastic. Nothing to complain about. (Except for maybe being a wee bit bored at some points. But, I am sure I will wish I had that free time once it is, I'll just be grateful.) And, to top off this already great day... It's Game day! First home BYU game of the season. BYU vs. Washington State. And don't you worry... I got the sports pass, so I plan on attending very regularly. Who knew I would ever enjoy a football game?  Can't say I wasn't a little confused here and there... but, overall it was a success. I am feeling rather confident in my football understanding abilities. I went with Zacky, Pash Star, and Paul (Pasha's man). It was good times. We got some delish mexi food afterwards.. which I am now regretting. So typical.

Anyway. I am not really one for writing about what I did during the day... but, I am just so happy right now. I don't really have a ton of friends yet, or much to do during the day, but I love where I am. I love what is coming up in my life. I really couldn't be more excited to start school and get started on creating a great career for myself. 

Lastly... "That the Lost May Be Found" by: Elder M. Russell Ballard is such a great talk. If you watched last conference, than you probably know what I am talking about. I love rereading conference talks. They always have the most perfect words that you were searching to find. I loved this talk tonight. I know I say this all the time... but, I still feel like I don't say it enough, I am so grateful for the gospel. I really can not picture my life without it. I don't want to. It is the sole reason for my happiness and success. It is truly incredible what a difference it makes in my life. What more could we possibly ask for? We have been blessed with the fullness of the gospel. Jesus Christ died for me. He made all of this possible for me. And he is awaiting my return. By that time, I will have a husband and a family of my own. Oh, the joys life has to come. I am so grateful. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I loved today.

Raise your hand if you have the greatest fam! -hand raised- Can I get an Amen?

Since I sorta crashed my car, my parents helped me move my butt to Utah. They picked me up from Texas.. drove me to Oklahoma, I flew to Utah, and a week later they drove all my crap to me. I have more crap than any 20 year old girl should ever have. whoopsie. They arrived yesterday. It only took them like a million hours to get here. (troopers...) Oh, and they brought my cute big/younger brother with them.

{Let's have a few words about Mason, shall we? This boy, I adore. He is the sweetest, most gentleman guy I know. Guys... take notes. AND He just got his mission call. He is serving in the Tacoma, Washington mission! Those people are so lucky. They are about to get one amazing dude. We had so much fun yesterday shopping for all of his mission things. When I say all, I am not kidding. That boy will be so set. And looking sharp I might add. I am so glad we god so spend a couple days together. Love you kid.}

To top off the fun I had with most of my fam... my mom took me for a little "back to school" shopping. I am more of a colorful clothing kinda girl. When I say that I mean, I own THREE black shirts. Just three. And for the next 13 months I am required to wear all black. Just black. So drab. Three shirts over and over and over? Yikes. Thank heavens for moms who put together cute outfits. I think I am ready for school. Although everything is black, I am so excited about my new goth wardrobe. (mostly because I got black spiked boots. siiickkk)


I miss my mom already. Come back? Please? I don't really have friends yet. Oh brother. Wish me luck this week. Should be interesting.

Until next time. Adios Amigos.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sweet Reminders

Is there ever a "good" place to begin? Probably not when you abandon your blog for weeks/months at a time. I think I will just start HERE. 

HERE I am. In Provo, UT. I really made it. How? No clue. I swear everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. Every penny I didn't want to spend, was spent. Everything that could have broken...broke. After every bump, I would try to talk myself out of the move. Every reason for me not to go seemed to be sitting right before my eyes. 

I never got a "You NEED to be in Utah" kind of revelation. I also never got a "You NEED to stay in Texas" kind of revelation either. Months and months I prayed and searched for that answer. Where am I supposed to be? What am I supposed to be doing? I never received a specific answer. But, eventually I knew in my heart that whichever decision I made; It was going to work. Either direction I would go was going to be great for me and I was going to be happy. 

Beginning of summer came. So, I made my decision to move to Provo. I can't tell you how many times I questioned my move. At times, I wanted to give up and not go. Everything in the book went wrong. I finally got that feeling. The one where you know you need to push through it... and get your butt to Utah. So.... I am here. I made it. My computer may have died, I may have had lots of extra rent to pay, I may have totaled my car, I may have had to leave the most precious little girl, I may have lost tons of money that I worked so hard for, and I may have had a few down moments. BUT. I made it here just in time to spend a few days with my best friend before she got married. I get to be roommates with Pasha again. I live 4 minutes away from my brother. I live in a great home. I have a super fun ward. And I start school in 3 weeks. 

I have been in Provo for three days. Just three. The adjustment is....... interesting. I am nervous and scared. I feel out of my element. But, I am so excited. Things are looking up, right? I was feeling a little down. I logged into my blog and read my last post. It is exactly what I needed to here. Such a sweet reminder. How is it that I so often forget about the love my Savior has for me? He has a plan for me. Every single thing that happens in my life is for a reason. Through every little thing I have faced, I am being prepared for my future. I am gaining a stronger relationship with Him. He is preparing me to be a wife and mother. 

He loves me. He has this all figured out. I could not be more grateful. I feel so confident in where I am and what I am doing. I know its going to take some adjusting and lots of hard work... but it isn't anything He hasn't prepared me for. Things are only looking up from here.