Monday, August 27, 2012

Sweet Reminders

Is there ever a "good" place to begin? Probably not when you abandon your blog for weeks/months at a time. I think I will just start HERE. 

HERE I am. In Provo, UT. I really made it. How? No clue. I swear everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. Every penny I didn't want to spend, was spent. Everything that could have broken...broke. After every bump, I would try to talk myself out of the move. Every reason for me not to go seemed to be sitting right before my eyes. 

I never got a "You NEED to be in Utah" kind of revelation. I also never got a "You NEED to stay in Texas" kind of revelation either. Months and months I prayed and searched for that answer. Where am I supposed to be? What am I supposed to be doing? I never received a specific answer. But, eventually I knew in my heart that whichever decision I made; It was going to work. Either direction I would go was going to be great for me and I was going to be happy. 

Beginning of summer came. So, I made my decision to move to Provo. I can't tell you how many times I questioned my move. At times, I wanted to give up and not go. Everything in the book went wrong. I finally got that feeling. The one where you know you need to push through it... and get your butt to Utah. So.... I am here. I made it. My computer may have died, I may have had lots of extra rent to pay, I may have totaled my car, I may have had to leave the most precious little girl, I may have lost tons of money that I worked so hard for, and I may have had a few down moments. BUT. I made it here just in time to spend a few days with my best friend before she got married. I get to be roommates with Pasha again. I live 4 minutes away from my brother. I live in a great home. I have a super fun ward. And I start school in 3 weeks. 

I have been in Provo for three days. Just three. The adjustment is....... interesting. I am nervous and scared. I feel out of my element. But, I am so excited. Things are looking up, right? I was feeling a little down. I logged into my blog and read my last post. It is exactly what I needed to here. Such a sweet reminder. How is it that I so often forget about the love my Savior has for me? He has a plan for me. Every single thing that happens in my life is for a reason. Through every little thing I have faced, I am being prepared for my future. I am gaining a stronger relationship with Him. He is preparing me to be a wife and mother. 

He loves me. He has this all figured out. I could not be more grateful. I feel so confident in where I am and what I am doing. I know its going to take some adjusting and lots of hard work... but it isn't anything He hasn't prepared me for. Things are only looking up from here. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you made it to Utah! Sorry that it was such a pain in the butt, but that seems like even more of a testament that you should be where you are. Seems like the adversary was trying to get you to question your decision. You will get into a good groove soon, I'm sure of it! Good Luck!!
