Tuesday, January 31, 2012

................ (insert something positive here)

Woke up feeling great. I was ready for a fabulous day. And fabulous it was, until now. Lately that feeling of discouragement will come over me as the day goes on and I start to realize my life is going nowhere. Sometimes this can be motivating, but right now I just want to go to the gym and dance...and never come home. So that's what I will do... DANCE, and never coming back.

p.s. having only one friend, that works opposite shifts as you, is kinda not fun.... at all.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day One.

Well, So far... So good.
Without being super boring and telling my life story... again...let me just say today is a beautiful day. I feel happier than I have in awhile. Brushed a little bit of dead weight off my shoulders this afternoon. I also allowed myself 15 extra minutes in the morning to say my prayers and read my scriptures. 1 Nephi baby. That's right. Starting fresh. I feel good already. With millions of days to come.

FHE is soon, and well... It's sorta my job to make sure everyone has a good time. No pressure right? Sheesh. I actually really love my calling. It is a blast, and I have some pretty spectacular committee members.

Lastly, I talked to Jordyn tonight. Boy, do I love her. (even though we are brats sometimes) I am just thankful to have her in my life.

Yay for good days, friends, and family. Woo!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Embrace this day with an enthusiastic welcome, no matter how it looks. - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

So, I have decided to make a few changes.. in my personal life, as well as this blog. Typically I write about my day, or my week, a recent activity, a friend, or maybe something fun I made or would like to make. But lately I haven't written at all. I find myself on my own blog on a regular basis wanting to make a new post, yet realizing I have nothing to post about. Because in my time I am at work, or on Facebook, or calling my mom a million times a day, or daydreaming on Pinterest... as I think of these activities I become disgusted with myself. Because I start to realize I can't put scripture study, or personal development, service.. on that list. Those are the things I want to see there, or be able to put there.

With that being said, today I have decided to turn this blog into a "personal development" blog. Somewhere I can write about becoming a better me. Where I can talk out the words I read of our prophet, and general authorities. I am not by any means quitting my "social" aspect of life, but managing my time to where this is my priority. Where Heavenly Father and my Savior are my priority.

I talked about my goals in my last post.... but that has changed. I am still pumped an excited about this new year, but from a different light. Instead of loosing 20 lbs, I want to be healthy. I want to gain more spiritual growth and become more like my Savior. I want to live a life he will be proud of. I want to be the kind of person people can look up to. I want to serve those around me and prepare for a mission that I could be serving by the end of this year, or in thirty years. Prepare to be a wife, and a mother. And ultimately, prepare myself for the last day. Prepare myself to stand blameless before God, that I may return to him.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

So Pumped!

I am just on a ridiculous high right now. A natural one. Of course, just thought I would clarify. I am SO PUMPED for this new year. Kinda weird how it's really just a new set of days but it seems to make us all excited. We can kinda have a fresh start. Even though technically we could have done that in August.. or November but we like doing it now. And I am A-OK with that. Today is a day of goals, and lists, and cleaning, and all around excitement. Because this year I want to be better and stick to all the plans I have had forever. This is going to be a year of action. So put on your seat belts everyone, cause I am ready to go!

P.s. I love this so much. We can all use a little reminder sometimes. What an amazing man. I feel so blessed.